Friday, November 18, 2005

the plowmen

as the scotsman and adrian know,
our town is bequeathed with snow

soon the midnight tim's will be
convergent with plowmen's trucks
rumbly diesel warming while
the plowmen order their triple-triple fuel
for the all-night runs

and kids scoot down campbell's hill
ruddy cheeked and fingertips frozen
sweaty bodies steaming from the neck
parents happy for the sound sleep that
winter play brings

Friday, September 02, 2005

lo velo ve love - haiku

love? lo velo ve love
lov el ovel o velo
vel ove love

Monday, August 15, 2005

eh you annoya

far hans arp
fer hens erp
fir hins irp
for hons orp
fur huns urp
fyr hyns yrp

-from an observation by argent birka

Thursday, July 28, 2005

birth story

heats the red-yellow glob of glass
withdraws the pipe from the glory hole
and cheek-muscles a puff of air
into the molten centre
inspiration expands from heat
he presses the grown ball
into a water-wet wooden cup
shaping and pressing
flattens the bottom
curves the edge
scores and taps with a knife
the red saucer breaks free