Thursday, July 13, 2006

fallow time

my posts over the last few months have mostly been snippets of lyrics and such. i haven't posted my own thoughts and feelings since early april.

this week i'm feeling low-energy; i'm also pensive and uncertain. in my twenties, not recognizing this low for what it is, i would have tailspun into depression, but now, in my forties, i know myself better: this is an emotional and intellectual fallow period.

what i need is a little more time to myself: good sleep, fresh fruit, long walks and sunshine.


Katrina Urquhart said...

Is it fallow for me, is it wallow?

I just skipped outside with my rope, found in the move. Maybe I'll have an apple later. I have so much time to myself, compared to where I was. I am spinnning and I am unbelievably still.

redsaucer said...

fallow time,
wallow time,
hallow time.

sounds like your in love with yourself

Katrina Urquhart said...

Not yet Brope. Not yet.

Right now I feel I can't trust humans, not even myself. I just discovered a lie that's left my feeling used and bruised. I'm so hollow, the treachery echoes.