Wednesday, April 05, 2006

listen to the music

i could be the most virtuosic guitar player in the world, but if i couldn't listen, i'd hardly be a musician. i'm a very modest guitar player; most people i play with are much more talented, and that includes my students. but i know that because i listen, i'm a capable musician. i try to listen with all my being, because the music is always happening, and always happening at all levels in all ways. listen to the drums, listen to the bass, listen to the guitar and keys, listen to the singers, listen to the sound tech, listen to the audience, listen to the groove, listen to the mood, listen to what's going on inside me, listen to my intuition, listen to my muse, listen to the people, listen to the walls and halls and bricks and beams, listen to the birds and traffic, listen to the rain and listen to the sunshine, listen to the colours and the smells. listen to my children and family, my friends, my enemies. listen to you. listen to me. listen to god. listen, we are all musicians. i know of no greater joy.

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